Integration requirements for each Aqurate tool

Aqurate works by making the most out of your data. Here’s a quick guide on how to get up and running.

💡 All your integrations are managed directly on your integrations page.

Available integrations

To check out the currently available integrations, head to the integrations page.

The three scenarios you might encounter are:

A. Your integration is available 👉 click on “Connect”

B. Your integration is coming soon 👉 click on “Notify me”, and we’ll let you know as soon as it is ready

C. Your integration is missing 👉 click on “Request a new integration” and we’ll get in touch on how to make that happen. You can also explore our documentation for custom shop integrations.

Required integrations

Here are the minimum required integrations for Aqurate to work:

Integration Type

Aqurate Personalize

Aqurate Segmentation

Shop Yes Yes
Tracking (website) Yes -
Email Optional* Optional**
*to send recommended items via email

**to use the segments in your emailing tool


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