Where to place product recommendations on your eCommerce shop

Best practices for getting the most out of Aqurate Personalize by offering your users a personalized experience.

Nowadays, most online shoppers are expecting a personalized shopping experience. 

When customers experience this kind of personalization, they are driven to spend more money on your website. This translates into increased conversion rate, average order value, and customer retention.

Using product recommendations on your eCommerce shop helps you achieve three main goals:

- Product discovery, leading to a higher 🎯 Conversion Rate (CR)

- Basket improvement, leading to a higher 🎯 Average Order Value (AOV)

- Loyalization, leading to a higher 🎯 Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

How to mix and match the product recommendations and website pages for the best marketing outcome

Aqurate Personalize comes with several types of product recommendations that can be accessed after your eCommerce shop was linked to Aqurate.

You can choose which product recommendations you want to display on your website, as well as the pages you want to display them on.

In order to make this process easier, we've put together some usage suggestions and the impact that each type of recommendations has on your marketing goals.



🎯 CR

(Conversion Rate)


(Average Order Value)


(Cust. Lifetime Value)

📌 Homepage

Recommended for you

Recently viewed

Popular now


New in store

Recently bought

📌 Category Page

New in category

Popular in category


📌 Product Page

Alternative products

Popular in same category

You may also like

Freq. bought together

Upsell to

📌 Cart & Pop-up   Freq. bought together  
📌 Email    

Recommended for you


Types of product recommendations

Below are all the available product recommendations you can use on your website, detailed by business impact, the API Endpoint that retrieves them, and where each of them should be displayed.

Popular now

The best-selling products from all categories.


🎯 Business impact: Improve conversion rate

📌 Location: Homepage

📖 API Endpoint: /recs/bestseller


The best-selling products from all categories are the most popular items that customers are purchasing on your eCommerce website. These products have proven to be highly sought after and are likely to attract the attention of potential buyers. By displaying these best-selling products on your homepage, you can increase the conversion rate of your website. When customers see these popular items, they may be more inclined to make a purchase, as they are influenced by the choices of others. This can lead to a higher conversion rate.

Customization options:

Look-back window (lookback_window): The number of past days used to compute bestsellers. Possible values are 7, 14, 30, 90, 365, 730. Default is 14.

Method (method): Possible values are: 'volume', 'value', 'balanced'. 'Volume' is pointing towards the quantity solved. 'Value' is pointing towards the total value of items sold. 'Balanced' takes into account both volume and value of the items sold. Default is 'volume'.

New in store

The newest added products from all categories.


🎯 Business impact: Improve customer lifetime value

📌 Location: Homepage

📖 API Endpoint: /recs/new


The newest added products from all categories are the latest additions to your eCommerce website's inventory. By displaying these newest products on your homepage, you can attract the attention of your customers and entice them to explore and make a purchase. Additionally, showcasing the newest products from all categories can help create a sense of freshness and excitement, encouraging customers to revisit your website regularly to discover new and trending items.

Popular in category

The best-selling products from a specific category.


🎯 Business impact: Improve conversion rate

📌 Location: Category page

📖 API Endpoint: /recs/category/bestseller


The best-selling products from a specific category are the top-performing items within a particular category on your eCommerce website. By highlighting the best-selling products in a particular category, you can provide customers with valuable insights into what other shoppers are finding appealing and encourage them to make a purchase, improving the conversion rate. 

Customization options:

Look-back window (lookback_window): The number of past days used to compute bestsellers. Possible values are 7, 14, 30, 90, 365, 730. Default is 14.

Method (method): Possible values are: 'volume', 'value', 'balanced'. 'Volume' is pointing towards the quantity solved. 'Value' is pointing towards the total value of items sold. 'Balanced' takes into account both volume and value of the items sold. Default is 'volume'.

These are the same recommendations as the Popular in same category ones, but use the category_id as parameter, instead of the product_id.

New in category

The newest added products from a specific category.


🎯 Business impact: Improve conversion rate

📌 Location: Category page

📖 API Endpoint: /recs/category/new


The newest added products from a specific category are the latest additions to your eCommerce website's inventory, within a particula category. It provides them with a sense of exclusivity and the opportunity to be among the first to discover and own the latest products in their favorite category. This not only improves the conversion rate of your website but also enhances the overall customer experience by offering them fresh and trendy options to choose from. 

Alternative products

The most relevant product recommendations for a specific product, from the same category.


🎯 Business impact: Improve conversion rate

📌 Location: Product Detail Page

📖 API Endpoint: /recs/item/substitutes


The most relevant product recommendations for a specific product, from the same category, are suggestions that are tailored to the preferences and interests of the customer based on the product they are currently viewing. By analyzing the browsing and purchasing behavior of other customers, these recommendations offer similar products from the same category that the customer may find appealing. These recommendations are designed to improve the conversion rate by providing customers with additional options that align with their interests. 

⚠️ To avoid duplicate recommendations, do not use the Alternative products  recommendations on the same page as Upsell to.

Frequently bought together

The most relevant product recommendations for a specific product, from all categories except the same category.


🎯 Business impact: Improve average order value

📌 Location: Product Detail Page, Cart Pop-up, Cart

📖 API Endpoint: /recs/item/cross-sell


Cross-selling suggestions that are specifically tailored to the customer's preferences and interests based on the product they are currently viewing. These recommendations take into account the browsing and purchasing behavior of other customers to offer similar products from different categories that the customer may find appealing. This helps to diversify the customer's shopping experience and expose them to a wider range of products available on your website.

Upsell to

The most relevant product recommendations for a specific product, from the same category, with a price at least 10% higher.


🎯 Business impact: Improve average order value

📌 Location: Product Detail Page

📖 API Endpoint: /recs/item/up-sell


By analyzing the browsing and purchasing behavior of other customers, these recommendations offer products that are similar to the one the customer is currently viewing but with a higher price point. The price of the recommended items is at least 10% higher than the currently viewed item. This strategy allows customers to explore premium options and potentially upgrade their purchase to a more valuable or advanced product.

⚠️ To avoid duplicate recommendations, do not use the Upsell to recommendations on the same page as Alternative products.

You may also like

The most relevant product recommendations for a specific product, from all categories.


🎯 Business impact: Improve conversion rate

📌 Location: Product Detail Page

📖 API Endpoint: /recs/item/similar


These are suggestions that are tailored to the preferences and interests of the customer based on the product they are currently viewing. These recommendations take into account the browsing and purchasing behavior of other customers to offer products that the customer may find appealing. By presenting these recommendations, you can enhance the customer's shopping experience by introducing them to a wider range of products available on your website, improving the conversion rate.

⚠️ To avoid duplicate recommendations, do not use the You may also like recommendations on the same page as Alternative products, Upsell to, or Frequently bought together.

Popular in same category

The best-selling products from the same category as the requested product.


🎯 Business impact: Improve conversion rate

📌 Location: Product Detail Page

📖 API Endpoint: /recs/item/bestseller-in-same-category


These recommendations are the top-performing items within the specific category that the customer is interested in. By showcasing these popular products, you can provide valuable insights to customers about what other shoppers are finding appealing and encourage them to make a purchase. This not only improves the conversion rate of your website but also enhances the overall shopping experience by offering customers a curated selection of highly sought-after products within their preferred category. 

Customization options:

Look-back window (lookback_window): The number of past days used to compute bestsellers. Possible values are 7, 14, 30, 90, 365, 730. Default is 14.

Method (method): Possible values are: 'volume', 'value', 'balanced'. 'Volume' is pointing towards the quantity solved. 'Value' is pointing towards the total value of items sold. 'Balanced' takes into account both volume and value of the items sold. Default is 'volume'.

These are the same recommendations as the Popular in category ones, but use the product_id as parameter, instead of the category_id.

Recommended for you

The most relevant product recommendations for a specific user, based on their browsing and purchase history.


🎯 Business impact: Improve conversion rate, Improve customer lifetime value

📌 Location: Homepage, Email

📖 API Endpoint: /recs/user


These are personalized product recommendations based on their browsing and purchase history. These recommendations are designed to improve the conversion rate by presenting users with products they are likely to be interested in. They not only enhances the user's shopping experience but also increases customer satisfaction and loyalty, leading to improved customer lifetime value. The 'Recommended for you' recommendations can also be utilized in email campaigns to further engage users and encourage them to revisit the website.

Customization options:

Clicks (clicks): This parameter determines the maximum number of times a recommendation can be clicked by the user, before removing it as a recommendation. High-involvement purchases, such as furniture, should have a higher value set.

Order quantity (order_quantity): This parameter determines the maximum number of times a recommendation can be purchased by the user, before removing it as a recommendation. High repeatability purchases, such as food items, should have a higher value set.

Recently viewed

Products that a specific user has recently viewed.


🎯 Business impact: Improve conversion rate

📌 Location: Homepage

📖 API Endpoint: /recs/user/visits


This provides products that a specific user has recently viewed on your eCommerce website. This feature allows users to easily access and revisit the products they have previously shown interest in. By providing a convenient way for users to track their browsing history, you enhance their shopping experience and make it easier for them to make purchasing decisions. This can be especially helpful for users who are browsing multiple products and want to compare them before making a final decision. Moreover, it saves users time by eliminating the need to search for products they have already viewed.

Recently bought

Products that a specific user has recently bought.


🎯 Business impact: Improve customer lifetime value

📌 Location: Homepage

📖 API Endpoint: /recs/user/orders


Products that a specific user has recently bought are recommendations that showcase items that the user has purchased in the past on your eCommerce website. By presenting a personalized list of recently purchased items, you enhance the user's shopping experience and make it easier for them to repurchase items they have previously enjoyed. This can be especially beneficial for users who frequently purchase the same items or want to quickly find products they have recently bought without the need to search for them again. Moreover, it helps to improve customer lifetime value by encouraging repeat purchases.


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